Mon - Fri : 8:00 - 5:00

Fidelis Featured In the News

In the spring of 2024, John Lloyd and Fidelis Private Fund were approached by the California Busines Journal to feature our company in their publication. Being approached by the CBJ was an honor, but what excited John and the Fidelis partners the most was the recognition of the hard work and dedication of the entire Fidelis team.

This article highlights what makes Fidelis Private Fund such a successful alternative investment in the fixed-income landscape, emphasizing our unique strengths and impeccable track record of protecting investor capital. With over $70 million in capital and 180+ satisfied investors, Fidelis offers a safe and secure investment platform, one committed to preserving capital while delivering excellent returns. This article underscores why Fidelis is a top choice for those seeking stability and competitive returns.

We invite you to read the article (at the California Business Journal website or in a link to a PDF) and discover why Fidelis Private Fund is an exceptional investment opportunity.