Mon - Fri : 8:00 - 5:00

Reputation: Fidelis Private Fund’s Pillars of Trust and Integrity

Reputation: Fidelis Private Fund’s  Pillars of Trust and Integrity

At Fidelis Private Fund, our outstanding reputation in the mortgage fund industry emphasizes our unwavering commitment to excellence and reliable performance. Our integrity and the deep trust our investors place in us are foundational to our success, influencing every aspect of our operations and client interactions.AdobeStock_706954130.jpeg

This high level of trust results from our consistent delivery of exceptional customer service, a crucial factor in why most of our clients are repeat customers on the borrowing side. The demand for our loans frequently exceeds our available capital, a testament to our strong market position and investors’ confidence in our ability to perform.

Our investor base, including many who have followed me for years, appreciates the seasoned leadership and the secure, transparent investment opportunities we offer through Fidelis.

Reputation and integrity are especially critical in a mortgage fund like Fidelis, where investors entrust their capital to us, expecting safety and sound returns. We have consistently delivered by generating over a 9% annualized yield since 2023 and over 8% since inception with no foreclosures or losses.

Trust is not given lightly in this industry—it is earned through consistent, ethical behavior and transparent operations. At Fidelis, we ensure that every transaction and decision is made with a high degree of integrity and in alignment with our investors’ best interests.

Join us at Fidelis Private Fund if you’re not already a Fidelis limited partner, where your investment is secure and thrives within a community of trust, mutual respect, and steadfast commitment to achieving and surpassing our financial goals together.

Our Fund is currently open to new investors or existing limited partners can easily add to their accounts.

Fidelis, a real estate mortgage fund, prioritizes capital preservation and provides a consistent and competitive yield. Investors have the option to choose between fixed income returns or reinvesting their earnings. For more information, please refer to the sections below.

Fidelis Private Fund annualized yield paid to Limited Partners for the first quarter of 2024 was 9.31%. Click here for a summary of Fidelis’s annualized yield since inception.




Fidelis 2028 Vivid Vision – Where are we going and how are we going to get there!

The Fidelis 2028 Vivid Vision document provides a comprehensive blueprint of the company’s strategic direction, core values, and operational principles, highlighting its commitment to capital preservation, growth, innovation, and client-centric services. Click to read the Fidelis vision.

Fidelis Flexibility: Investing Made Accessible for Any Accredited Investor Enhancing Returns Through Targeted Diversification